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Kom van dat dak af: ZigZagSolar, het idee

925 402 Thom Kuipers

Kom van dat dak af: PV-cellen op je gevel Energiezuinige of zelfs -leverende kantoren en woningen worden steeds meer gemeengoed. Zonnepanelen worden daarvoor veelvuldig ingezet.…

ZigZagSolar @ Smart City Amsterdam!

770 433 Thom Kuipers

ZigZagSolar will be present during the Smart City Amsterdam event on june 3rd and 4th! Check out the website of the Smart City event for more information.

ZigZagSolar Visuals update

150 150 Thom Kuipers

New visuals added to the website.

Sketch slider

150 150 Thom Kuipers

New sketches added to the website in order to provide insights on the pro’s of ZigZagSolar.